Stunning Coneflowers
Coneflowers: 1 - 15 of 15 items
De Bolster Red Coneflower, 1 g
- Powerful medicinal plant
- Beautiful cut flowers
- Stimulates the immune system
AUSTROSAAT Echinacea "Red Coneflower"
- Perfect for herb gardens
- Great for making tea
- Suitable for drying
Kiepenkerl Black Eyed Susan Mix
- Popular plant for beneficial insects
- For beds & pots
- Beautiful cut flowers
ReinSaat Red Coneflowers ''Echinacea purpurea''
- Perennial
- Bee friendly
- Germinate in the light
Kiepenkerl Coneflower Paradiso Mix
- Colourful flowers
- For beds & pots
- Beautiful cut flowers
Sperli Paradiso Coneflower
- Attacts bees and butterflies
- Colourful combination of flowers
- Grows to: 40-50cm tall
Bionana Organic Echinacea
- Undemanding
- Perennial
- Attracts beneficial organisms
Kiepenkerl Coneflower "Roter Leuchtstern"
- Robust perennial
- Beautiful cut flower
- Height: 80 - 100 cm
De Bolster Purple Coneflower "White Swan", 1 g
- White or greenish petals
- Orangey green middle
- Loved by bees and butterflies
Die Stadtgärtner Echinacea
- A favourite for bees and tomatoes
- A popular plant for natural remedies
- Ideal as a cut flower
Dürr Samen Echinacea Prima Donna Mix
- Great cut flower
- Perennial
- Contents: 10 seeds
Jora Dahl Sahara Sun-hat "Rudbeckia"
- Bright, splendid colours
- Sow for autumn and spring
- Contents: 50 seeds
Sativa Organic Coneflower
- Perennial ornamental plant
- Popular with bees
- Stays rather low
Sativa Organic Perennial Coneflowers
- Undemanding
- Grow pink flowers
- Stem approx. 100 cm high
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