Brassica Seeds for Cabbage Family Veggies
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Brassica Cabbage Family: 86 items
Kiepenkerl MicroGreen Duo-Garden Refills - Organic Broccoli, 3 items
- 3 organic broccoli pads
- Mild and spicy, light cabbage flavor
- For a simple and year-round cultivation
Sativa Organic Autumn Kohlrabi Blue - Dyna
- Good durability
- Strong growing variety
- For home gardens & balconies
Bingenheimer Saatgut Kohlrabi, White "Rasko"
- Flavourful
- Non-woody variety
- Year-round outdoor cultivation
Sativa Organic "Tabiro KS" Cauliflower
- Medium late variety
- Covers itself
- For summer and autumn harvest
AUSTROSAAT White Cabbage - Kärtner Steirisches Gebirgskraut
- Medium-sized, round and firm
- Also suitable for unfavourable conditions
- Fine taste
- Light to medium green leaves
- Enough for about 25-30 plants
Samen Maier Organic Broccoletto "Cima di rapa"
- Tastes similar to broccoli
- Edible leaves, stems & buds
- Harvest: June - October
De Bolster Brussels Sprouts "Groninger", 1 g
- Traditional veggie
- Excellent taste
- Perfect vegetables for autumn and winter
Samen Maier Organic White Cabbage "Glory from Enkhuizen"
- Perfect for sauerkraut & white cabbage salad
- Forms big, firm heads
- Harvest: until frost begins
Bionana Organic Broccoli "Calabrese Natalino"
- Very productive
- Typically Mediterranean
- Medium early variety
Samen Maier Organic Cauliflower "Neckarperle"
- Medium early & profitable
- Sow: February - June
- Harvest: June - September
Samen Maier Organic "Groninger" Brussels Sprouts
- A winter-hardy plant
- Very productive
- Plant in planters or cold frames
Samen Maier Organic Red/Blue Cabbage "Amaranth"
- Early variety
- Excellent flavour
- Sow in pots or cold frames
Kiepenkerl White Cabbage "Brunswijker"
- Typical autumn white cabbage
- Firm, large, flat-round heads
- Suitable for cutting
ReinSaat "Holsteiner Platter" Cabbage
- Ideal for making sauerkraut!
- Lat. Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba
Samen Maier Organic Broccoli "Calabrese natalino"
- Traditional variety
- Sow: March - June
- Harvest until autumn
Sativa Organic Chinese Cabbage "FIDEL KS (SAT36)"
- For harvesting in autumn
- Low heat requirements
- Sow until the beginning of August
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