Inspirational Recipes for Garden Produce
Cooking from the Garden: 1 - 7 of 7 items
BACSAC Bacseeds Tomato Seed Book - In French & English
- Contains La Semence Bio® seeds
- Seeds of 9 tomato varieties
- Approx. 300 kg harvest
Angelika Ertl "Angelikas bunte Kräuterwelt - Rezepte und Wissen"
- 40 profiles (in German)
- Numerous recipe ideas
- 320 pages
Löwenzahn Verlag Pilzgeflüster
- Innovative growing tips
- Recipes
- 168 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag "Selbstversorgung im Winter" Self-Sufficiency in Winter
- Language: German
- For indoors & outdoors
- 200 pages
Löwenzahn Verlag Praxishandbuch natürlich Konservieren
- With over 200 recipes
- All methods of stockpiling
- 336 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Fermentieren
- Basic knowledge
- 140 delicious recipes
- 376 pages (in German)
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