Inspiration for Your Balcony & Patio
Balcony & Patio: 1 - 5 of 5 items
Löwenzahn Verlag Wo die wilden Nützlinge wohnen
- Valuable tips & tricks
- 320 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Dein fantastischer Balkongarten
- With 7 different themed balconies
- Easy to understand instructions (in German)
- Extent: 168 pages
Löwenzahn Verlag Pilzgeflüster
- Innovative growing tips
- Recipes
- 168 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Ernte mich im Winter
- Harvest tips for veggies that grow from November to March
- 176 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Das große Biogarten-Buch
- For country and city gardens
- 624 pages (in German)
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